Princess Lousia Inlet Tour
There is a calm tranquility which stretches from the smooth surface of the reflecting water straight up into infinity. The deep calm of eternal silences is only disturbed by the muffled roar of throbbing waterfalls as they plunge down from sheer cliffs. There is no scenery in the world that can beat it. Not that I’ve seen the rest of the world. I don’t need to, I’ve seen Princess Louisa Inlet.
Experience a 5-6 hour journey exploring Jervis Inlet to Princess Louisa Inlet including the world-renowned Chatterbox Falls.
Allow 1.5 hours travel each way visiting historical sites and points of interest on both sides of the inlet. Along the way we will visit attractions such as an active seal rookery, Vancouver Bay, Brittain River, Soda Pop Falls, Deserted Bay and the Malibu Rapids. We will view ancient pictographs as well as a wide variety of wildlife and birds.
$125 per person
This tour is 5 hours. It is recommended that bookings be made well in advance.
Please add GST (5%) to all prices.
- The Princess Louisa Tour is offered throughout the year.
- Please dress accordingly as winter trips can be cool.